Día de la amistad entre Rusia y Nicaragua: 80 aniversario de relaciones diplomáticas

Foto Archivo Referencia / Bandera de la República de Nicaragua y Bandera de la Rusia.

Mensajes en la Celebración del
Día de la Amistad entre Rusia y Nic
aragua y 80 Aniversario del Establecimiento
de Relaciones Diplom
18 de Diciembre del 2024

Palabras del Compañero Mikhail Ledenev
Embajador de la Federación de Rusia en Nicaragua

Buenas noches. Un honor y placer estar aquí con vosotros, Amigos de Rusia, en Nicaragua.

Tengo un pequeño Discurso dedicado a la fecha, pero antes de hablar y pronunciar las Palabras Oficiales, quería destacar que, el inicio de mi trabajo aquí fue muy intenso, muy interesante, y fui rodeado de cariño y hospitalidad de todos los nicaragüenses que me ayudaron a dar estos primeros pasos que espero sean exitosos. Claro que estoy comenzando mi trabajo aquí, pero creo que comienzo este trabajo con buena pierna.

Entonces, Distinguidos Miembros del Gobierno de la República de Nicaragua; estimado Compañero y Amigo Laureano Ortega, Representante Especial del Presidente de Nicaragua para las Relaciones con Rusia, y Co-Presidente de la Comisión Mixta entre Rusia y Nicaragua; Invitados Especiales; Compatriotas; estimados Colegas del Cuerpo Diplomático; Amigos todos.

Una palabra muy especial hoy, Amigos, porque estamos celebrando precisamente el Día de los Amigos, y cabe recordar que hace 9 años, el 12 de Diciembre, llegó a ser el Día de Amistad entre nosotros, los rusos y los nicaragüenses.

La Recepción está dedicada a otra fecha también importante, Octogésimo Aniversario del Establecimiento de las Relaciones Diplomáticas entre la Federación de Rusia y la República de Nicaragua.

Es la hora de conmemorar estas fechas, o más bien esta fecha, porque celebramos esta Fiesta el día 12 de Diciembre, lo celebramos en Moscú y ahora continúa la Fiesta aquí en la bella Ciudad de Managua.

Entonces, nuestro trabajo es una combinación de las Fiestas y de unas negociaciones, encuentros, como sabrán vosotros. Bueno, muchos de los que están aquí congregados tienen una relación muy estrecha con mi País, y yo agradezco muchísimo su aporte a nuestra colaboración, a nuestra relación muy especial, de Aliados Estratégicos, de Amigos, y de Partners, diríamos, en las Relaciones Internacionales.

Pero diría que, aunque estamos celebrando 80 años de las Relaciones Diplomáticas Bilaterales, muy especialmente estas Relaciones se desarrollaron a partir de la llegada al Poder del Gobierno Sandinista en el año 79, y desde este tiempo nuestros Países siguen, y seguirán siendo, Amigos fiables y Aliados leales.

Ahora, la Alianza Estratégica desarrollada gracias al Liderazgo del Presidente Vladimir Putin y el Presidente-Comandante Daniel Ortega y la Vicepresidenta Rosario Murillo, se caracterizan no sólo por los estrechos vínculos entre Rusia y Nicaragua, sino también por la Solidaridad y los Valores Comunes que compartimos.

El carácter fraterno de la Cooperación, el Diálogo Político de Confianza, y nuestra Lucha común por el Mundo Multipolar, más Justo y Solidario, subrayaron nuestros Ministros de Asuntos Exteriores, aquí presente Valdrack Jaentschke, y nuestro Ministro Serguei Lavrov, durante el intercambio de Mensajes de Felicitaciones recién celebrado y dedicado a esta fecha.

La mutua confianza se manifiesta claramente en todas las esferas de interacción entre nuestros Países, de forma muy clara y destacada se presenta en las Plataformas Internacionales, incluida la ONU, y en Proyectos Bilaterales mutuamente beneficiosos y ventajosos; entre estos destacaría el Instituto Latinoamericano de Biotecnología Mechnikov, así como el Centro de Capacitación del Ministerio del Interior de Rusia. Estoy seguro que estos Proyectos seguirán desarrollándose, obteniendo aún mayor importancia regional.

Me da mucho gusto agradecer al Pueblo y Gobierno de la República de Nicaragua por su apoyo fraterno a nuestro País, especialmente en este período complicado, pero prometedor, de la coyuntura internacional.

Exhortamos que los Estados tengan el Derecho inalienable a elegir libremente su propio camino, basándose en los Intereses Nacionales y no obedeciendo a ninguna hegemonía. Así lo estipula la Carta de la ONU en su Artículo Primero.

Quería destacar el incansable y eficaz trabajo de todos nuestros Amigos nicaragüenses aquí presentes; conjuntamente superamos obstáculos y logramos el desarrollo de la Cooperación Estratégicas en las esferas, política, económica, científico-técnica, de Seguridad, Salud, Educación y Cultura.

En toda esta diversidad de Proyectos conjuntos, reuniones, contactos e intercambios que atestiguan la fuerza de los lazos entre Rusia y Nicaragua, quería destacar muy especialmente la recién celebrada en Moscú, reunión de la Comisión Intergubernamental para la Cooperación Económica, Comercial y Científico-Técnica.

En Moscú recientemente fue discutido un amplio abanico de temas, desde el Programa Nuclear Civil hasta la Cooperación Educativa, y los lazos culturales.

También se celebró una videoconferencia entre los Parlamentarios de los dos Países, aquí están presentes los Amigos Diputados de la Asamblea Nacional de Nicaragua que forman parte del Grupo de Amistad entre nuestros dos Países. Entonces participaron en esta videoconferencia.

También he tenido la posibilidad de hablar con varios Representantes del Organismo Legislativo de Rusia, muy especialmente con la Compañera Kosijina, que es la Presidenta, de nuestra parte, del Grupo de Amistad. De los Parlamentarios representa la Región de Yaroslavl y está muy entusiasmada con la posibilidad de aportar su grano de arena a nuestra Cooperación en la esfera política y legislativa.

También el 12 de Diciembre pasado estuve presente en la Ceremonia de la Develación en la Biblioteca Estatal de Literatura Extranjera Rudomino, del busto del Poeta y Héroe Nacional nicaragüense Rubén Darío. Él es conocido y apreciado en mi País. Citando sus versos, fueron traducidos al ruso y publicados en tiradas milenarias.

Ahora su busto está en el atrio de esta Biblioteca de la Literatura Extranjera, que es una Institución muy importante en Rusia, está en el centro de Moscú y en el atrio hay figuras de envergadura internacional representando a varios países; entonces ahora está ahí también Rubén Darío, quien representa a Nicaragua, pues yo creo que puedo citar ahora las palabras suyas y quisiera desear a todos nosotros aspirar y tender siempre hacia la altura.

Estoy convencido de que juntos fortaleceremos aún más nuestra Asociación Estratégica, también de nuestros Países Pueblos.

¡Que Viva Rusia!

¡Que Viva Nicaragua!

¡Que Viva nuestra Hermandad!

Muchas gracias.

A continuación, versión en ingles.

Messages in Celebration of
the Day of Friendship between Russia and Nicaragua

and the 80th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations
December 18, 2024

Address by Compañero Mikhail Ledenev

Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Nicaragua

Good evening. It is an honor and pleasure to be here with you, Friends of Russia, in Nicaragua.

I have a brief speech dedicated to this anniversary, but before I speak and pronounce the Official Address, I want to emphasize that the beginning of my work here was very intense, very interesting, and I was surrounded by affection and hospitality of all Nicaraguans who helped me take these first steps which I hope will be successful. Of course I’m starting my job here, but I think I’m starting this job on a good note.

So, Distinguished Members of the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua; Dear Comrade and Friend Laureano Ortega, Special Representative of the President of Nicaragua for Relations with Russia, and Co-Chairman of the Joint Commission between Russia and Nicaragua; Special Guests; Compatriots; Dear Colleagues of the Diplomatic Corps; Friends all.

A very special mention today, Friends, because we are celebrating precisely the Day of Friendship, and it should be remembered that 9 years ago, December 12th became the Day of Friendship between us, Russians and Nicaraguans.

This Reception is dedicated to another important date, the Eightieth Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Nicaragua.

It’s time to commemorate these dates, or rather this date today, because we have already celebrated the special day of December 12th, when we celebrated it in Moscow and now the celebration continues here in the beautiful city of Managua.

And so, our work is a combination of celebrations and of negotiations and meetings, as you know. In fact, many of those gathered here have a very close relationship with my country, and I am very grateful for their contribution to our collaboration, to our very special relationship, as Strategic Allies, Friends, and Partners, we can well say, in International Relations.

But I also would say that, although we are celebrating 80 years of Bilateral Diplomatic Relations, these Relations developed especially since the Sandinista Government came to power in ’79, and since that time our Countries have remained, and will continue to remain, reliable Friends and loyal Allies.

Now, the Strategic Alliance developed thanks to the Leadership of President Vladimir Putin and President-Comandante Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo, is characterized not only by the close ties between Russia and Nicaragua, but also by the Solidarity and Common Values that we share.

The fraternal nature of Cooperation, the Political Dialogue of Trust, and our common Struggle for a Multipolar, More Just and Solidarity-inspired World, were underlined by our Foreign Ministers, Valdrack Jaentschke here, and our Chancellor Sergey Lavrov, during the exchange of Messages of Congratulation just celebrated and dedicated to this anniversary.

Mutual trust is clearly manifested in all spheres of interaction between our Countries, it is very clearly and prominently present in International Forums, including the UN, and in mutually beneficial and advantageous Bilateral Projects; among these I would highlight the Mechnikov Latin American Institute of Biotechnology, as well as the Training Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. I am sure that these Projects will continue to develop, obtaining even greater regional importance.

It gives me great pleasure to thank the People and Government of the Republic of Nicaragua for their fraternal support for our Country, especially in this complicated but promising period of international affairs.

We call for States to have the inalienable right to freely choose their own path, based on National Interests and not obeying any hegemony. This is what the UN Charter stipulates in its First Article.

I want to highlight the tireless and effective work of all our Nicaraguan Friends present here; together we have overcome obstacles and achieved the development of Strategic Cooperation in the political, economic, scientific-technical, Security, Health, Education and Cultural spheres.

In all this diversity of joint projects, meetings, contacts and exchanges which testify to the strength of the ties between Russia and Nicaragua, I want especially to highlight the recently held in Moscow, meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission for Economic, Commercial and Scientific-Technical Cooperation.

A wide range of topics were discussed in Moscow recently, from the Civil Nuclear Program to Educational Cooperation, and cultural ties.

A video conference was also held between the Parliamentarians of the two Countries, with us are our Friends the Deputies of the National Assembly of Nicaragua who are part of the Friendship Group between our two Countries and they participated in this video conference.

I have also had the opportunity to speak with several Representatives of the Russian Legislature, especially with Compañera Kosikhina, who is the President of the Friendship Group on our side. Among our Parliamentarians she represents the Yaroslavl Region and is very excited about the possibility of contributing her grain of sand to our Cooperation in the political and legislative sphere.

Also last December 12th, I was present at the Unveiling Ceremony at the Rudomino State Library of Foreign Literature, of the bust of the Nicaraguan Poet and National Hero Rubén Darío. He is known and appreciated in my country. People quote his verses, since they were translated into Russian and published in millennial editions.

Now his bust is in the atrium of this Library of Foreign Literature, which is a very important institution in Russia, it is in the center of Moscow and in the atrium there are figures of international importance representing various countries; so now Rubén Darío is also there, who represents Nicaragua, and I think I can quote his words now and I would like to wish all of us to aspire and always strive towards that stature.

I am convinced that together we will further strengthen our Strategic Partnership, and too those of our Countries’ Peoples.

Long live Russia!

Long live Nicaragua!

Long live our Brother and Sisterhood!

Thank you very much.

Address by Comrade Valdrack Jaentschke

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua

Brother Mikhail Ledenev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Nicaragua; Compañera Svetlana Petrova, Minister Counselor of the Embassy of the Russian Federation; Compañero Laureano Ortega Murillo, Delegate of the President; Compañero Karen Santamaria; Comandante Lumberto Campbell; Compañero Gustavo Porras; Compañero Daniel Edmundo Ortega.

Compañeras and Compañeros Representatives of the Powers of the State, Members of the Cabinet of our Government of Reconciliation and National Unity, Municipal Authorities of the Citizen Power, of the Nicaraguan Army and of the National Police.

Members of the Diplomatic Corps, International Organizations, and Cooperation Agencies accredited in our Country.

Beloved Officials, and Special Guests of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Nicaragua; Comrades of the Citizen Power Media.

On this significant occasion in which we celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Sister Russian Federation and the Republic of Nicaragua, we are pleased to convey the Fraternal Greetings in Solidarity of the President of the Republic, Comandante Daniel Ortega Saavedra; of the Compañera Vice President of the Republic, Compañera Rosario Murillo Zambrana, as well as of the People and Government of Reconciliation and National Unity.

Beloved Brother Ambassador Mikhail Ledenev, allow me to repeat the Message of Condolences of the People and the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity of Nicaragua, over the criminal attack against the outstanding Scientist and Military Professional, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov and his Assistant, an action carried out by Ukrainian terrorist Fascism, yesterday, December 17th. Our sincere and fraternal accompaniment, our Prayers and Affection for the Family of Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov and of his Assistant.

Brother Ambassador, we also take this opportunity to thank Compañero Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov for the Congratulatory Messages to the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity on the occasion of the 80th Anniversary of the establishment of Diplomatic Relations between our two Countries.

Today we are also celebrating the Ninth Anniversary of the Day of Friendship between Russia and Nicaragua, which is celebrated on December 12th of every year, approved by Law of the Republic on October 7th 2015.

Diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and Nicaragua were indeed strengthened with the Triumph of the Sandinista Popular Revolution.

As we have reiterated, in the 1980s, when our country had to face criminal imperialist aggression, Nicaragua always counted on the Accompaniment and Solidarity of the Soviet Union.

This historic relationship between our Fraternal Peoples and Countries has deepened so as to reach the levels of Strategic Alliance, under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin and our Comandante Daniel Ortega Saavedra, who with a clear vision of the challenges facing

the World today, work hand in hand for the emergence of a New Multipolar World Order, more Just, more Solidarity-inspired, in Peace, Security, Well-being and Respect for the Sovereignty and Dignity of all Free Peoples.

We convey our highest appreciation and reiterate our commitment to continue working together, for the promotion of the historic ties that unite us, in firm and unconditional support, as well as Cooperation for Political Dialogue, Mutual Understanding, and also, too, our firm support for the Struggle and Ideals that we share with the Brave, Heroic and Ever Victorious People of the Russian Federation.

For Nicaragua, Russia is a key and strategic Partner, we cooperate in effective interaction to resolve the current challenges of the Regional and International Agenda, based on Respect for International Law and the defense of Sovereignty and the Desire of our Peoples to live in a Secure World, without impositions, without hegemonies, and free of threats.

Beloved Brother Ambassador Mikhail Ledenev, you can rest assured and trust that we will continue to promote exchange in the political, commercial, investment, scientific-technical, cultural, and other fields. You can count on our unchanging commitment to continue strengthening our Bilateral Relations, as well as our permanent support in international spaces in defense of the Independence, Sovereignty, Self-Determination of Peoples; Peoples who have the Right to decide our own Destinies.

We express again our gratitude for the Fraternal and Respectful Relations of Cooperation and Solidarity, for the reception of our Delegation and in support of the actions of our Government of Reconciliation and National Unity in the Fight against Poverty on behalf of Nicaragua’s Families.

Our best Wishes for Success, Health, Happiness and Prosperity, to you, to your Government, always with the Affection of our Nicaraguan People.

Long live the Russian Federation!

Long live Nicaragua!

Long live the Strategic Alliance between Russia and Nicaragua!

Thank you very much.

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